Virtual Museum - Matchbox Labels Collection - Collectors Club - Club projects - Match factories - "Plitspichprom"

Russian version
Collectors Club - Club projects - Match factories

Balabanovo experimental match factory
VNIIDrev experimental match factory

    The construction of the Experimental Match factory in Balabanovo (Kaluga oblast) was started in 1950.
    The equipment of the first - lithography - shop was placed in the semi-ruined building, left from the war times. This shop later supplied labels for all match factories of the former USSR.
    In 1954 the experimental factory produced the first boxes of its main production - matches. In the next year the first souvenir set and cabinet matches were produced. At the same time factory farther development was it the go: first in the USSR automated line for production matchbooks with cardboard matches was built, quality of products improved, replacement parts shop was set to work.
    In 1970 new big match shop with Swedish company "Arenco" equipment was built.
    At the same time a pressed wood-pulp plates shop, utilizing the production scrap, was set to work.
    At present the "Plitspichprom" Ltd. produce very different matches - consumer, household, fireplace, hunter's, windproof, promotional (Deluxe class), souvenir sets.
    During all 50 years of factory existence its matches are on demand in most regions of Russia and some foreign countries.
    In the last years "Plitspichprom" also produce advertising and promotional matches - both in consumer and "Deluxe" formats, as well as promotional sets.

"Plitspichprom" Ltd. 3, 50 let Oktyabrya Sqr., Balabanovo, Kaluga Oblast, Russia
Phone: +7 (08438) 6-09-34, Fax: +7 (08438) 2-33-27
Corporate site:

(Based on the materials of the factory commercial department info and the factory site)

On the map:
Map courtesy of Worldsat International.
© Worldsat International - All rights Reserved - 2002

Factory logos

Balabanovo experimental match factory

Logo images presented by Andrey Petrov

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