Virtual Matchbox Labels Museum - Russian labels - Farm and building machinery - Page 7 - 2 000 000 "Belarus" Tractors

Farm and building machinery - Page 7 - 2 000 000 "Belarus" Tractors
From collection of Stanislav Dmitriev

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2 000 000 Belarus Tractors

2 000 000 "Belarus" Tractors
Balabanovo experimental match factory. 1984

Russian text on the label:
1984 г.
2 000 000
тракторов "Беларусь"
Балаб. эксп. ф-ка Калужск. обл.
ГОСТ 1820-77 ц. 1 к.

Label size 3/4 (34x48) mm



Site design by Stanislav Dmitriev, © Copyright 1998-2004
This page was last updatedMay 10th 2004

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